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Bill Wambach

Regional Manager

A “road warrior” of sorts, Bill Wambach serves as NPL’s Regional Manager for a far-flung geography of Kansas (which he presently calls, “home”), Georgia and Nevada. His operations cover spots within Oklahoma, as well.

Bill’s career path – like most of his peers – began as an entry-level laborer. He joined NPL in 1979. His first foreman was Gary Cord, a Minnesotan still with the company and an embodiment of the company’s Midwestern roots.

Hard work and hard-nosed determination (but with a softer side for treating others well) have been keys to Bill’s success.

“It comes down to perseverance,” he notes. “If you have the determination for continued growth, you will be successful at NPL.”

And what works well for the individual is a plus for the company. As he says, self-motivation is what drives NPL and has made the company an industry leader.

That, and putting into practice the best advice Bill has ever received, the age-old adage: “Treat others as you want to be treated.”

It’s no wonder, then, why Bill’s biggest motivator is seeing his people succeed. In his own words, “Having the opportunity to encourage, mentor, and teach others to be successful and fulfill their goals as they work up the NPL ladder is what makes my job really fun.”

Sharing wisdom. That places employees in a great place to benefit and succeed and, ultimately, propels NPL.

The result? “Working for an industry leader is rewarding,” Bill says, adding that NPL offers an environment where things are done the “right way,” where leadership is strong throughout the company, promoting employee success.

All of that, he says, has gotten NPL a well-earned, outstanding reputation – making it easier to create opportunities for employees to gain necessary experience and potential for moving up and fulfilling their goals.